Wednesday, February 29, 2012

leap year.

29 02 2012 
the date. comes once every four year. very special. 

happy birthday husna zuraidi. happy birthday hakimah mohamad.

sorry F i never love you. SO stop disturbing me.
im already had mine. 

forever love for Mr R.

need to be more punctual to my own schedule.

be more wise. more positive. more smile.

okay. need to go for studying. not sleeping.

bye. love you.

#eh, baru perasan. happy birthday faizul. gewe ili nasiha. :)

yes..! i do adore..!

superduper cute-lah lagu nie.

ouh..remind me of high-school.
crush on a guy. sit next to me. silly. hahaha.
how much i miss him. seriously.
i cant resist youlah. hee :P
BUT now he had his girl and i had my Mr R
whatever happen. i just keep it as my memorable memories.

i do adore....!!
ba papa papa...~

# ilovemy highschool.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


sorry morry lorry.
gua baru habes exam lah. sebab tu xupdate belog. hehe. :)

okay, alhamdulillah midsem tamat dengan baik. tapi ada la paper yang amat amat membimbangkan. macam anatomy. fuhh. seram, apapa pun dah lepas. nevermind... syukur ya Allah..! :)

after exam bermulalah vacation aku. haha. im going to ALEXANDRIA..
with farah shafi and farizza hazlin..!
 hoho. best best.

going to alex city centre. and i got new dress. muahaha :D its LE65 after discount. worth it.
then pergi jalan-jalan kat tepi pantai @ laut mediterranean...riding bicycle...:) amik angin laut..
tenang-tenang otak..releasee tensionn. hee. makan dumpling yang best. thank you uncle...! 
malam, pergi lepak rumah farah lina. makan dekat green plaza. tido. then wake up in the morning...
meet with sydi, at mcD . sydi belanja breakfast.. :)
 then going to maktabah @ library yang amat besar gedabak. 

see some of my pictures... 

nak tengok lagi tengok kat SINI

thankyou farah shafi, farizza hazlin, farah lina, sydi ahmad .
alex, i'll come again :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

20years and 1day

hee :D my age. tua kan. its okay. kubur kata mari dunia kata pergi.

fighting-fighting for biochem. starts my day with lipid metabolism. :)

alicafe + biscolata + biochem. fuuh.
semoga usaha aku mendapat redhaNYA.

later. didie nak bagi surprise. apekah.?? macam-macam aku fikir. haishh, didie nie kenapa.
hurm. nak tahu tak apa surprise dia....
jengg jengg jengg....!

how cute. the first teddy bear that i got from my friend. i mean lovely friend.
dulu-dulu umie dan abah selalu jugak beli hee :D

thankyouu didie sayangg. muahmuah. sayang kauu. hurm aku rindu kau sangat-sangat. selalu terfikir nak pergi naik rumah kau. i mean 'naik' sobsob. rindulaa. T__T 
then gi makan Haita Cafrest ngn didie. kteorang berdua je. romantik gituue. hee :)
balik. bercalling-calling. makan-makan. then i got to see this video.
very inspirational-laah.
thumbs up..!


best. hopefully aku dapat jadi macam ni 4years more. ameeen..!

#okayh. dah sambung baca protein metabolism. :) bye. salam .

Monday, February 13, 2012

the bestest twenty :)

13 february...? OMG
what happened? its my birthday.. :D hehe. dan hari ini jugak saya exam physiology. fuuh...lupakan pasal exam sebentar tadi. saya dah jadi dua puluh 20. alhamdulillah ya ALLAH ..! semoga aku dapat menjadi hamba mu yang sentiasa diredhai olehMU. banyak benda sangat nak cakap. hehe. okay-okay. one by one.

ehem ehem, firstly saya dapat skype 3hari berturut-turut dengan family tercinta di malaysia..:D
happy gilaaaa..
seriously sangat happy. tak terkata. hari-hari dapat tengok muka orang-orang yang tersayang. syukran ya Allah. secondly dapat wishes dari mohamad rafiq. hehe, sebenarnye mohamad rafiq dah wish saya punya birthday dari first februari lagi. hehe, dia cakap tu je yang dia mampu buat , *xpelah awak.saya faham. :)
thirdly saya dapat skype dengan my besties,mizah hamid tersayangg. :* hehe. happy sangat-sangat..i think my 20th is the best in my life. seriously. :D

:) malam menjelma. 

lepas maghrib, rasa nak tido sebab terlalu kenyang makan makaroni yang mira buat. tapi tiba-tiba tengok video fahdli dan gambar-gambar family <3 
.hurmm T__T sedihh. :'( nak balikkk..! and i started to cry...nanges yang amat. huhu. pergi cari sape-sape dalam rumah yang free. dan saya nampak aqila. so terus peluk aqila. nanges..! 
nak balik...

huhu. saya homesick...
lepas dah siap-siap nanges. saya pergi mesej seseorang. and dia tak balasss. :( sobsob.
dah tue sapa nak teman saya nanges...? huhu. so saya fikir saya nak nangess. dan nak terus tido.
# tiba-tiba, ada org ketuk pintu..( sape laah datang malam-malam maca ni..?) terus bukak....
and i heard..." happy birthday to you.....! happy birthday to you.....! " waaah. rombongan budak kelas tersayang datang buat surprise party..! sumpah terkejut..! Ya Allah..! syukur aku dikurniakan kawan-kawan yang sangat best..! :) sayang korang fillah.

 terus tutup muka sebab time tu kan tengah homesick.  tett. :P
haha. terima kasih semuaaa..! korang datang bawak kek, agar-agar, caramel, strawberry coklat, makaroni bakar, cheese cake, fresh orange..! hurmm sedap..! thank you.. :D
and i got present..! the bracelet and the hairband.. :)
sumpah happy..terima kasih sangat-sangat..!

nurul farhani binti ahmad hayani dah masuk 20.
dia sangat happy sebab ada family, teman, dan kawan-kawan yang sangat best.
syukur ya Allah..

Sunday, February 12, 2012

okay. farhani sekarang.

this is how i look alike. after about 1year xbalik malaysia. haha. that physiology book is my friend. :P
gemuk. itu pasti. warna kulit still sama. hurm, hidung pon.
whateverr im proud how i am. :D
i got no penyakit until now. alhamdulillah, stakat demam batuk perkara biasa.

nurul farhani ahmad hayani
has been grown up.
tomorrow : 20years on earth.
personality : to to cry.

ini bukan poyos.tapi toyos.
muahahaha. #saya pakai baju kurung time saya form 4. awak ada..??
bye. *gedik nak mampus.

rindu nak balik malaysia.

saya rindu sepupu saya. rindu nak tidur sama-sama. rindu nak gossipmossip. rindu nak masak sama-sama. rindu nak mandi sama-sama. rinduu. T__T .
nak balik..! :D


#screenshot yg sy rindu untuk mengalaminya secara LIVE. :(

*mursyida.nuha.munirah.najwa.hanan.fariha. 'the best besties'

love you. :) <3

Saturday, February 11, 2012


dah headache ( sakit kepala ) baca buku. rasa macam nak tinggal buku, siap-siap pergi lepak city star.
main bowling . nyumnyum dekat auntie anne's hurm. waaa. bila exam nak habes neh. +__+
okay. tujuan post ini, sebanarnye tak ada tujuan. boring sebab facebook tak boleh bukak.
kene warning dengan rafiq dah.

 tapi blogging diBENARkan :D yeeaay.

#gambar tak berkaitan.tapi lawa tak saya lukis.? lawaa kan. cakap laa lawaaa. pleasee.. :P
 yeay. akhirnya awak cakap saya lukis lawa. :D

hahaha. semenjakduemenjak amik medic nih kadar tahap lukisan saya meningkat.  *,*

last.hold on.

hold on farhani
never give up
Allah tengah perhatikan kamu
do the best
last preparation
midsem exam
study all the way.
tawakal kepada Allah.

Friday, February 10, 2012

can i be the good doctor.?

~  to all the future doctors out there ^^ ask yourself all these questions. u'll surely find your answer :)

 Have I made the correct decision?
Yes, you have. Being in the medical field, is one of the best field to give service to mankind. The person most loved by god is the person most beneficial. Being in the medical field, we are always useful in whatever situation. A doctor does not need an office, an organization to serve. A doctor is useful anytime, anywhere and to anybody. If you are one person whose life purpose is to serve others, then you have definitely made the correct decision.

Can I be a doctor one day?

Sure you can! It all depends on your intention. A good intention will give good results. If your intention is to serve others, then you have all the power of god almighty, to achieve your ambitions. Whenever we do something with the intention to serve rather than thinking of what’s in it for us, you can be sure that god’s help and blessing will be with you all along. Once God’s help is with you, you will attract people, circumstances and situations that will help you to become a doctor. This may come in the form of doing well in your exams, getting the scholarship and the place in the university as well as passing all exams easily. It will cost you to have inspired actions, which will results in phenomenal success in whatever you do. Have full faith that with God, everything is possible.

What are the important traits to become a doctor?

The most important thinking is a very positive mental attitude. One of the most important assets is that they must have a lot of compassion where a doctor has to put others before himself and always wanting things for others more than himself.
credit to.dr muhaya

Thursday, February 9, 2012

tonight with the eyes, :)

im finished my special sense book, i mean for the eyes.
guided by uni tanta books and guyton's medical physiology book.

interesting. puas hati. i like. 

this is the intro only.
can u imagine how my brain actually look alike?
with the all medical facts about human.the greatest creatures of Allah.
ooh Allah please show me the best way to be a muslim doctor. :)

waktu-waktu doa mustajab.

-Satu pertiga malam

Iaitu di antara jam 3.30 pagi atau jam 4 pagi sehingga ke sebelum Subuh. Ini kerana, di dalam hadis Imam Muslim, Nabi S.A.W bersabda, maksudnya:

Allah S.W.T turun dari Arasy-Nya ke langit yang pertama, (iaitu langit dunia) di sepertiga malam, seraya bersabda kepada para malaikat yang menjaga langit pertama, "Adakah di antara hambaKu yang berdoa? Aku akan perkenankan. Adakah di antara hamba-Ku yang memohon keampunan? Nescaya akan aku ampunkan dosanya". Maka sepertiga malam, atau solat tahajud merupakan waktu yang sangat afdhal untuk kita berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T.

-Sewaktu hujan turun

Ketika ini, pintu rezeki dari langit sedang terbuka luas.

-Waktu di antara dua khutbah khatib pada solat Jumaat

Sepertimana yang telah kita sedia amalkan di mana antara dua khutbah, imam akan membacakan doa dan selawat. Namun adalah lebih afdhal andai di sini kita berdoa secara individu.

-Sewaktu membacakan syahadah akhir setiap kali waktu solat

-Tempoh masa dari azan hingga iqamat, dan juga sewaktu bilal telah iqamat untuk solat, dan sewaktu masuk ke dalam saf.

-Setiap sujud di dalam setiap waktu solat

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W menyuruh kita memanjangkan sujud kita andai kita mempunyai sebarang doa, dan baginda tidak pernah mengkhususkan sujud mana yang perlu dipanjangkan sama ada sujud di rakaat pertama, kedua, ketiga, atau keempat. Maka, kita boleh memanjangkan mana-mana sujud untuk meluangkan masa berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T. Adapun jikalau doa yang ingin dibacakan semasa sujud ini adalah di dalam bahasa selain bahasa Arab, maka hendaklah dibacakan di dalam hati, kerana selain bahasa Arab akan membatalkan solat. Itu merupakan kata-kata para ulama' fekah termasuk As-Syafi'e rahimahullah.

-Waktu dhuha

Waktu Dhuha ialah waktu setelah berakhirnya masa tahrim (waktu yang diharamkan solat, dari selepas solat subuh sehingga waktu:

1) Menurut Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, bangunnya anak unta dari tidurnya atau
2) kata orang-orang tua kita, tinggi matahari sudah mencapai dua galah iaitu lebih kurang sejam sebelum masuknya solat Zohor.
Malahan di antara fadhilat solat Dhuha ialah memurahkan rezeki. Insya-Allah...

 sekadar perkongsian, :)


.i am now.

- over dehydrated [ kulit kering :( ]

-over feeling

-over whelming

-over eating [ NO.shit gemok ]

-over sleep

-over cuti. :D

-over talking

-over baik. ekeke [ tipu ]

okay. its OVER. bye.

missing you.

i dont know why tiba-tiba i had to write this entry for mohamad. to express that i miss him tooo much..!
seriously. waaa T__T kerinduan itu nyata di sebalik senyum yang mempesona. :P

u know what? LDR is hard. very hard. even its harder than answering anatomy asessment. fuuh.
you will be missing him too much. cry cry. huhu. sad kan,
but the most thing is you know yang dia pun sama jugak rindukan u. 
i am truly agree that the love is not about the distance, its about the way you and him feel the love.

Oh Allah, make us one. please.ameen.

Dr <3 Ir

mohamad rafiq: its been 21days kita tak skype. cepatlaa balik shah alam. :(

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

face the fear

Get out of your bed and face your fears,
that problem isn't worth anymore of your tears.

Monday, February 6, 2012

hes come again.

why. why. 
 okay. he kinda romantic. kind to me maybe.but not to you. heart broken. losing hope. came to me for my love. begging me to love him as much as he love me.then he starts to do something that can make me melt.
wait wait. who are he.??

-----> he is my 'cousin' becoming fiancee. OMG. what the hell i am talking about.

but thats the truth.

im not going to love him back because. i had mines. okay. and its very teruk and dasyat to love your cousin fiancee.
SORRY . i am not that type of backstabbing girl.

ME, dilemma. HE, gila. MINES, iloveyoumore.

kbai.huh =__=

Sunday, February 5, 2012

midsem exam.

nurul farhani currently facing her midsem exam that give out 20% of her final marks for the core subjects.
yeah, surely she will work soo hard on it. so, lets pray for her ..

ya Allah, ya rabbi. engkau permudahkanlah urusan hambamu nurul farhani dalam menduduki imtihan midsem pada tahun ini. KAU kurniakanlah kefahaman yang jelas dan ingatan yang kekal buatnya. semoga apa jua yang engkau tentukan untuk hambamu itu adalah yang terbaik untuknya. ameen.

my exam schedule,


study study study, berserah segalanya pada Allah..! :)

doakan nurul farhani yea.

Friday, February 3, 2012

pindah rumah

okay semalam pindah rumah, im moving. duduk dengan classmate.
actually its not a big deal pon i pindah. yea. memang macam tiba-tiba je i pindah.
 tapi memang dah lama pon i nak pindah duduk dengan budak kelas.
so what? :)

hehe. xde lah. rumah ni okay. bagus. best.
 senang nak study sebab ada geng.

lastly. i need to sleep. penat wooo kemas barang yang sangat amat banyak itu. 
next time i upload gambar umah baru untuk tatapan u olls. :D
nyte peeps . luv ya.