Saturday, March 10, 2012

no, i mean we want.

yes. we both totally want it.

we both wanna get married. have many child. fullfill the iman. and bla bla bla...
BUT we need time. time for preparing ourselves. preparing our skill.our iman.
hey , marriage need time. need strength. need money also. need blessing from your parents.
need you to be brave.
yes i will be a doctor, a wife in 2016. just wait engineer is not that far.

haha, just pray the best :)
Mr R and Miss F will be one .

Monday, March 5, 2012


happy birthday ahmad faris
beloved brother
may ALLAH bless you fi dunya wal akhirat

be a good soleh anak untuk umie and abah.
get the best exam result.
no main-main.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

leap year.

29 02 2012 
the date. comes once every four year. very special. 

happy birthday husna zuraidi. happy birthday hakimah mohamad.

sorry F i never love you. SO stop disturbing me.
im already had mine. 

forever love for Mr R.

need to be more punctual to my own schedule.

be more wise. more positive. more smile.

okay. need to go for studying. not sleeping.

bye. love you.

#eh, baru perasan. happy birthday faizul. gewe ili nasiha. :)

yes..! i do adore..!

superduper cute-lah lagu nie.

ouh..remind me of high-school.
crush on a guy. sit next to me. silly. hahaha.
how much i miss him. seriously.
i cant resist youlah. hee :P
BUT now he had his girl and i had my Mr R
whatever happen. i just keep it as my memorable memories.

i do adore....!!
ba papa papa...~

# ilovemy highschool.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


sorry morry lorry.
gua baru habes exam lah. sebab tu xupdate belog. hehe. :)

okay, alhamdulillah midsem tamat dengan baik. tapi ada la paper yang amat amat membimbangkan. macam anatomy. fuhh. seram, apapa pun dah lepas. nevermind... syukur ya Allah..! :)

after exam bermulalah vacation aku. haha. im going to ALEXANDRIA..
with farah shafi and farizza hazlin..!
 hoho. best best.

going to alex city centre. and i got new dress. muahaha :D its LE65 after discount. worth it.
then pergi jalan-jalan kat tepi pantai @ laut mediterranean...riding bicycle...:) amik angin laut..
tenang-tenang otak..releasee tensionn. hee. makan dumpling yang best. thank you uncle...! 
malam, pergi lepak rumah farah lina. makan dekat green plaza. tido. then wake up in the morning...
meet with sydi, at mcD . sydi belanja breakfast.. :)
 then going to maktabah @ library yang amat besar gedabak. 

see some of my pictures... 

nak tengok lagi tengok kat SINI

thankyou farah shafi, farizza hazlin, farah lina, sydi ahmad .
alex, i'll come again :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

20years and 1day

hee :D my age. tua kan. its okay. kubur kata mari dunia kata pergi.

fighting-fighting for biochem. starts my day with lipid metabolism. :)

alicafe + biscolata + biochem. fuuh.
semoga usaha aku mendapat redhaNYA.

later. didie nak bagi surprise. apekah.?? macam-macam aku fikir. haishh, didie nie kenapa.
hurm. nak tahu tak apa surprise dia....
jengg jengg jengg....!

how cute. the first teddy bear that i got from my friend. i mean lovely friend.
dulu-dulu umie dan abah selalu jugak beli hee :D

thankyouu didie sayangg. muahmuah. sayang kauu. hurm aku rindu kau sangat-sangat. selalu terfikir nak pergi naik rumah kau. i mean 'naik' sobsob. rindulaa. T__T 
then gi makan Haita Cafrest ngn didie. kteorang berdua je. romantik gituue. hee :)
balik. bercalling-calling. makan-makan. then i got to see this video.
very inspirational-laah.
thumbs up..!


best. hopefully aku dapat jadi macam ni 4years more. ameeen..!

#okayh. dah sambung baca protein metabolism. :) bye. salam .

Monday, February 13, 2012

the bestest twenty :)

13 february...? OMG
what happened? its my birthday.. :D hehe. dan hari ini jugak saya exam physiology. fuuh...lupakan pasal exam sebentar tadi. saya dah jadi dua puluh 20. alhamdulillah ya ALLAH ..! semoga aku dapat menjadi hamba mu yang sentiasa diredhai olehMU. banyak benda sangat nak cakap. hehe. okay-okay. one by one.

ehem ehem, firstly saya dapat skype 3hari berturut-turut dengan family tercinta di malaysia..:D
happy gilaaaa..
seriously sangat happy. tak terkata. hari-hari dapat tengok muka orang-orang yang tersayang. syukran ya Allah. secondly dapat wishes dari mohamad rafiq. hehe, sebenarnye mohamad rafiq dah wish saya punya birthday dari first februari lagi. hehe, dia cakap tu je yang dia mampu buat , *xpelah awak.saya faham. :)
thirdly saya dapat skype dengan my besties,mizah hamid tersayangg. :* hehe. happy sangat-sangat..i think my 20th is the best in my life. seriously. :D

:) malam menjelma. 

lepas maghrib, rasa nak tido sebab terlalu kenyang makan makaroni yang mira buat. tapi tiba-tiba tengok video fahdli dan gambar-gambar family <3 
.hurmm T__T sedihh. :'( nak balikkk..! and i started to cry...nanges yang amat. huhu. pergi cari sape-sape dalam rumah yang free. dan saya nampak aqila. so terus peluk aqila. nanges..! 
nak balik...

huhu. saya homesick...
lepas dah siap-siap nanges. saya pergi mesej seseorang. and dia tak balasss. :( sobsob.
dah tue sapa nak teman saya nanges...? huhu. so saya fikir saya nak nangess. dan nak terus tido.
# tiba-tiba, ada org ketuk pintu..( sape laah datang malam-malam maca ni..?) terus bukak....
and i heard..." happy birthday to you.....! happy birthday to you.....! " waaah. rombongan budak kelas tersayang datang buat surprise party..! sumpah terkejut..! Ya Allah..! syukur aku dikurniakan kawan-kawan yang sangat best..! :) sayang korang fillah.

 terus tutup muka sebab time tu kan tengah homesick.  tett. :P
haha. terima kasih semuaaa..! korang datang bawak kek, agar-agar, caramel, strawberry coklat, makaroni bakar, cheese cake, fresh orange..! hurmm sedap..! thank you.. :D
and i got present..! the bracelet and the hairband.. :)
sumpah happy..terima kasih sangat-sangat..!

nurul farhani binti ahmad hayani dah masuk 20.
dia sangat happy sebab ada family, teman, dan kawan-kawan yang sangat best.
syukur ya Allah..